Routes of Change

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Taking the first Step

It's amazing what we can accomplish if we get over the fear of taking the first step. I’m actually doing it. It’s still hard for me to believe. I’ve taken the first steps on the path I have imagined for so long. The preparation and planning made me feel weak, but now I feel strong. I’m exhausted and tired, and know there’s so much to do, but I find strength and courage with the support I have from you.

The launch was truly an amazing and overwhelming experience. I had a desire to speak to everyone there and share what is most important to me about this journey but in the end I felt like words wouldn’t do justice to the love I was feeling and I simply resorted to hugging everyone more.

To start this trip from where I was born; on my birthday; where a tree was planted in honour of my mom Margaret; where my dad Erkki’s ashes lay; and with the support of so many loved ones from my community was surreal. I must admit I had the feeling like there was too much focus and attention on me on that night. Yes, It was my birthday and the launch of my dream project, but I can’t stress enough how much I’m doing this for the health of everyone, not just my nieces and community, but also the so-called foreigners on the other side of the planet. We are all connected and it is important for us to be aware of how our seemingly independent actions have a global effect. Think globally, act locally. More on that in a blog to come.

I must admit that if my good friend Rein wasn’t keen and willing to paddle with me that night I probably would have decided to stay longer in Toronto to spend more time with everyone who was present. There never seems to be enough time to spend with loved ones. That may sound silly coming from someone who is leaving his loved ones for five years but I have to follow my heart and this is where it’s guiding me.

As I mention in this interview, I have honed the art of carrying my loved ones with me wherever I am. I focus on the love and not the loss. You can call it a coping mechanism that I have created to deal with the loss of my parents or you can call it emotional control, unconditional love, and acceptance.

Perspective is an amazing thing to behold. The simple reflection of moonlight on the water always reminds me how everyone sees the world differently. I’m going to do my best to share my perspective, please know that I’m not laying judgement on you or anyone by sharing my views. I never intend to insult or criticize one’s way of life but I do hope to inspire health in everyone and sometimes people will consider it offensive. Don't take it personally. I know how hard it can be to do that, as I've received some harsh comments over the past few months.

Since I sat down on the steps outside of the house I was born in 12 days ago and thought about what I was about to embark on I have felt like I have entered a dream and I’m not sure if this sensation will ever end. In taking the first steps of the path that I have imagined for myself I feel as though I have become a new person. This is not the first time I have had this feeling but it is the first time that is has lasted for longer than a few days. Every day is a struggle, but one that feels well worth it. Since I was a teenager I have firmly believed in our ability to alter the reality and course of our lives. I believe that if we take the first steps in creating a healthier planet that there is no problem too big or impossible to solve.

We are all artists, only some of us choose to believe we are creating our lives.

Huge Respect,