Routes of Change is a registered non-profit society based in Tofino, BC, Canada. It is effecting change across the world.

Our mission is to use adventure and entertainment to support the unsung leaders of our planet as they work to create a healthy future for all beings.

We believe that there is no avoiding change so we might as well embrace it and share ways that we can better adapt to a new sustainable way of life on earth. We share stories of adventure and exploration of the planet by human powered means. By speaking face to face, through presentations, films, books, blogs, tv, media, and most forms of communication we aim to inspire change. Routes of Change.

Our vision is one of compassion and appreciation for all beings in the universe.

Markus traveling in one consecutive journey around the world by as many motor less means as possible, including rowing, swimming, kayaking, standup paddleboarding, sailing, running, biking, skiing, skateboarding, velomobiling, walking backwards, and pogosticking. Friends and fellow adventurers join for support throughout the journey and help to create change through communication, education, and entertainment.

The journey is expected to take about seven years with weather and political situations largely influencing the route and timing. Markus is not planning on breaking any records, but he will likely create new ones. He is committed to building Routes of Change into a powerful force of change to create a better future for generations to come.

Routes of Change. Let’s make history and create the future.

Markus’ Story:

Listen to this podcast for a more in depth version. Click here.

When I first told people about what I was going to do they called me crazy. They also told me it was impossible and that I was going to kill myself. This is still a frequent reaction to what I’m doing now, even after I’ve been at it for four years and come half way around the planet. It’s motivating watching people’s shock and wonder transform into inspiration and sometimes action in their own lives.

When I was five years old I was watching Unsolved Mysteries with my sisters when my Dad called us upstairs to say goodbye to my Mom. After a long struggle with Cancer she had lost the battle. I struggled to understand as my sisters broke down in tears beside me. I share this with you know because it is likely the event that has shaped my life story more than anything else. And this is my story after all.

My mothers death aside, I had a privileged Canadian life growing up. I had everything I needed. What I didn’t have was much appreciation for that fact. Life sucked and I was a prisoner of the system. Thankfully from my early teenage years I realized my ability to shape my life with my thoughts. Of course it wasn’t easy and I suffered from social anxiety and depression.

At first I thought it best to become a successful entrepreneur and create a millionaire out of myself. Then I went travelling in South America, suffered more depression, and almost jumped off a cliff to my death. If it wasn’t for my loved ones I would have done it. I returned from my travels with a realization that my health and happiness were much more important than any wealth I could acquire. I focused my energy on doing work I enjoyed and creating as much time for fun and travel as possible. I worked seasonally, first at a teahouse in the mountains, then as a tree planter, and finally as a forest firefighter.

I then realized I was missing something. Purpose. I was already a passionate environmentalist and well aware of the gross social injustices that were present around the world, but I wasn’t doing much to help. Then my Dad called to tell me he had been diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia and had a short time to live. On my way home to see my dad, Routes of Change was born.

Earlier I said that this is my story but that was never my intention with this project. I want this to be our story. I want Routes of Change to bring people together to help inspire and create the changes that will help us live happier and healthier lives on this planet. My intention with this project is to make environmental and social justice our story, by showing what can be done when we take one step in the direction of our goals and overcome the greatest of challenges, by sharing stories of people around the world who are changing the world with their own two hands, by taking small and sustainable actions that will lead all of us to live healthier and happier lives.

I don’t pretend to have all the answers to our problems or be some sort of saviour or hero for the planet, but I do think I’m part of the solution, and more importantly I think we are all part of the solution. We all, myself included, underestimate our immense power to influence and change the world around us. It’s fun and exciting to take control of that power.

Consider asking yourself “What would I want to be doing with my life if I found out I was going to die?” In other words, you are going to die, don’t stop searching for your purpose, and if and when you find it, don’t stop pursuing it. Be honest with yourself, choose love over fear, and have fun. The rest will work itself out.

Routes of Change combines all of my passions into one project. For over 1750 days I’ve been navigating around the planet without ever using motorized transport while inspiring and supporting the movement towards a sustainable future. Canoes, hand cycles, pogosticks, you name it, I’ve used it or eventually will, as long as it doesn’t have a motor. (p.s. I’m not anti-motor :)).

I’ve been filming and sharing the trip on social media, my blog, vlog, and at school presentations across the planet. Please consider donating and feel free to share this story with your friends. Thank you. Be Healthy
